my word for 2018


Definition of strive (verb): make great efforts to achieve or obtain something.

This word has many meanings to me and will be my word to live by in 2018. Every year I make certain goals for the new year, but this year I decided to choose one word that represents them all as one. It is important as an individual to hold yourself to a high standard and push towards every single goal you have set for yourself this upcoming year.

Have I met all my past goals? No, not even close. But I am not going to stop setting these goals because it truly helps me strive to be a better person. My goals in the past have truly been inspiring and helped me create a lifestyle that I want to live by for the rest of my life. 

Goal Setting is a great way to keep yourself liable for your actions and helps your strive for the future. So your probably wondering what my goals could be that all portray around the word strive.

Here is my list of goals that I plan to strive for in 2018:

1. Learn to love my body for who I am.
2. Become aware of the food I put into my body.
3. Run a half marathon with my roommates.
4. Say "yes" more.
5. Live in the present, not the future. 

You may have realized the word, strive, is not anywhere in these goals. You are correct, however, all these goals could have the two words, "strive to..." put in front of every short goal. "Strive" is going to be the word on my wall and constantly being said in my mind this year.

I am going to go a little more in depth with my goals for the year and be a little more specific in general. I don't want to bore you with my goals, but I am doing this to keep myself liable for all my goals. Feel free to stop reading here. 

Goal 1: Learn to love my body for who I am. I have always been the girl to cover up in a swimsuit and get right out of the pool with a towel right be the edge to cover up as quick as I could. I constantly am looking at others and comparing myself to the girls I see on TV. I want to learn to love my body and fall in love with myself in a way.

Goal 2:Become aware of the food I put into my body. I have always ate pretty healthy, but I have become more aware of the food being put into my body and what I want to be put in my body. 

Goal 3: So typical but I want to do something crazy, like run a half marathon. My roommates and I all agreed to doing this one and working together to reach this milestone. I am so excited to see if we can really do this one and train my heart out and run again. I want to learn to love running like I used to.

Goal 4: I have always been the girl to say no to any situation that I was uncomfortable doing. I want to be the girl to say yes more often and do stuff out of my comfort zone and put myself out there more. 

Goal 5: Constantly looking at the future is NOT healthy. I always put my body in the future circumstances and plan that far ahead. Sometimes I forget about my present self and put all my anxiety on my future self. I want to live where I am now and enjoy my life and what I have upon my shoulders at this given moment.

So there ya have it! I challenge everyone to come up with a word to live by for 2018 and put that word below in the comments. Keep yourself liable for your actions and strive to achieve every single one of your goals. You can do this! Bring it on 2018!

With Smiles and Giggles, Taylor Lynn

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