2019, New Year; New Word


Definition of Learn (verb): to gain or acquire knowledge of or skill in (something) by study, experience, or being taught.

My word for 2018 was a word that I {strived} to live by this past year. I learned a lot about myself, my actions, and my responsibilities through that one little word that I used to define my year. The word "strive" will constantly make an impact in my life and I cannot wait to take this word into 2019 while also {learn}ing more about myself through my new word for the year.

Learn. This small little word means so much and so little at the same time. {Learn} can be described and used in many ways. As I turned 21 this year, I {learn}ed a lot about the people, places, and things I need in my life to help me {learn} more about who I am and who I want to be. This small little word is used for children in school, by mothers to their children, and from individual to individual.

 For me, in my twenties, {learn} means a whole lot more than a 5 letter word. It means {learn}ing about who I am and who/what I want in my life. As I become a teacher in the future, I {learn}. As I fail in some areas of my life, I {learn}. As I travel more and more, I {learn}. I am {learn}ing constantly in my life whether I realize it or not. 

So, here is my list of goals to help me {learn} who I am and surround myself with in 2019:

1. Learn to LOVE my body- Yes, I realize this is a repeat from last year, however, it is something that I still am in a constant battle with and am constantly working on. Did I strive to accomplish this in 2018? The answer is yes. I have gained way more self confidence by just holding myself a little higher in uncomfortable situations and remembering to "act confident and nobody will question you" (in the words of my favorite youtube star, SarahsDay). I cannot wait to take this goal on in 2019 and see where it takes me.

2.Learn to live through my fears- We all have fears; I have plenty. Whether it be the dentist, needles, sharks, or the fear of the unknown; I am constantly living with a fear. Its okay to be scared and I need to remember to say this to myself more often. Admitting your fears is just a step into facing your fears and learning how to overcome or even just deal with them. 

3. Learn to embrace positivity and release the negative-  We've all been there. In a situation where we know we shouldn't be talking or thinking something about something or someone. This little intention is negative energy. Negative energy overtakes ones body and does its way to spreading to those around you. Being around negative energy a lot in 2018, I learned that being positive sets the tone for the day. When negative energy arises, it does harm to all around you. I plan to learn to bite my tongue and walk a way more while really focusing on surrounding myself with positivity in 2019.

4. Learn to accept- Most people are born with something they are not willing to admit to the world. My goal for this is to accept who I am and what I have to take a long everyday with me. I have anxiety and have lived with it most of my life by just putting a smile over my face when I am burning on the inside. This year I plan to learn how to admit my lows in my life. Someone else in my life might benefit and be helped by me just admitting I have to deal with things. I want to be that opening light to those who think "its just me, no one else feels like I do". I had someone do this for me this year, so maybe I can help someone too in 2019.

If I could give any advice, it would be to make "your" word for 2019. One little word can take you so many places without you realizing. Reflecting on my word last year, I realized how many things I accomplished by just writing my word on my planner every week or putting in my notes in my phone. I challenge you to come up with your word and take it on your journey in 2019.

Let's all {learn} together and show 2019 what is in store.

with smiles, 

Taylor Lynn 


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