2020, New Year, New Decade, New Word


Definition of Experience (Noun): the fact or state of having been affected by or gained knowledge through direct observation or participation

My word for 2019 was a word that helped me {learn} way more about myself then I thought was possible. This past year, I kept myself extremely busy, but I wouldn't have changed that for anything. I have {learned} how to work with multiple people and live a life focused on my relationships and passions. I {learned} how to lead with a force of passion and love while still being compassionate and positive to everyone I have come by. I've {learned} where I would love to go and who I want to be. {Learning} in 2019 has brought to my eyes a change of direction. It has taught me to take things slow and let them come naturally. I have no idea what this new decade will bring, and normally this would scare the living **** out of me. But, I am honestly not scared one bit because I have full trust its gonna be one amazing ride.

Experience. I feel as though this little word has been standing out to me near the end of 2019. For whatever reason, I think this new year (and new decade) is well described by [experience]. I have gained a lot of [experience] at the beginning of my twenties. What is so amazing about the word [experience] is that it is described as a verb and a noun. Honestly, this is how I describe my life right now. This part of my life is also pushing me two different ways. One part of me screams for thrills and [experiences] to help me continue to grow. The other part yields for comfort and stability. Although, this little word means two different things, I believe the word says for itself the direction I am choosing to take in 2020.

As graduation has come and passed, I take on student teaching this spring semester. I am somewhat excited for this new [experience], but I have a little feeling there is something more out there for me. Traveling has always been a passion and love of mine, and this year I get to head overseas to spend 5 weeks in Europe. I will be living in Finland and I'm sure there is going to be a plethora of [experiences] over there. I also have a chance for an opportunity of a lifetime that I am beyond excited for and I have never wanted something this much. Fingers crossed this opportunity becomes reality in 2020. Until then, it's just a little idea in my head.

So, here's my list of goals to help me [experience] 2020's fullest potential:

1. Step out of the box and experience- I have a somewhat difficulty stepping out of my horizon and seeing what is out there. I tend to stay locked up in the areas of my life and with the people I am comfortable being around. This year I want to learn to "say yes" more and gain experiences that will help lead me into a direction spontaneity. Traveling this year is going to be a learning experience and a culture shock, but with a mindset of living life out of the box, it could truly help me gain experiences with new friends in new places.

2. Experience love- As time goes on love is something I truly surround myself and strive to achieve. If you don't know me well, I am the biggest hopeless romantic you will ever meet. I live my life surrounded by people I will always cherish; my boyfriend, prior roommates, best friends, family, and my dog. Although I give and take so much love from these individuals, I also would love to get to know myself. Change is hard and I have seen that through the transition of post grad life. I want to experience the kind of self love that is talked about by many influencers. Are you truly capable of reaching the type of self love that is desired by many? I believe yes 100%, but that self love is also gained by the love of others. I need to remember to never shut myself in to find the person I want to be.  Coming from a person who has done this before and has ended up just lying in the middle of the floor in self regret, do not let yourself get there. By keeping my door open and letting love flow, I hope to experience the self love I need post grad.

3. Experience the present- So this little thing is a little new for me. I have a hard time either living in the past or living in the future. I never truly get the experience the present has to offer because I am usually thinking ahead or just totally trapped in my past life. After being a creepy horoscope reader for as many years as I have, a big push for a Libra in 2020 is to live in the present. I do struggle with overthinking what is going to happen in the future and sometimes even look at stuff in the past that I could have done better. I need to remember to live in the moment because the experiences I make in the present will surely out-beat the past and help shape the future.

Where did I come up with this word?

Well, story time. The weekend before graduation, I decided to try to test out this word that I had planned out for 2020. I decided to step out of my comfort zone with close friends and have one last "college experience". Did I want to go? No, not really, I honestly would have loved to stay in and watch the new Disney + movies on repeat lol. But because of the love and push to step outside of the box from my roommate and boy friend, I jumped right in and went for it. I ended up getting to have one certain conversation that I truly needed to hear at that moment.  This conversation came from two individuals who I truly look up to and never would have thought this conversation would have lead to what it has for me. The words they said will always play in my head when I just need a push in post grad and because it came from these two who have watched me from afar, their words will always stick with me. I remember walking away from that conversation like I could take on the world and I have never felt so loved and appreciated. Shout out to you two- thanks for knocking me into shape and realizing self doubt isn't going to help me get anywhere. I know from this experience, that the word "experience" is the perfect word to take with me in 2020.

So here's to 2020! I'd love to hear your word or goals for 2020, and I hope you achieve them all. Best wishes.

With Smiles,
Taylor Lynn


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